• Děčínský sněžník

    Pension and restaurant

    Accommodation offer
  • Děčínský sněžník

    Pension and restaurant

  • Děčínský sněžník

    Pension and restaurant

  • Děčínský sněžník

    Pension and restaurant



The restaurant was newly built in 1999 as a faithful imitation of the original inn that stood on this site since 1865, one year after the completion of the 33m high stone lookout tower, from where there is a beautiful view of the city of Decin, the Elbe Sandstone Mountains, Czechoslovak Switzerland, the Bohemian Central Highlands, Milešovka, the Lusatian Mountains, the ridges of the Ore Mountains and parts of Germany.

Po rekonstrukci rozhledny a výstavbě současné restaurace se opět tato oblast stala vyhledávaným turistickým místem k pěší turisticecykloturistice a horolezectví.

After the reconstruction of the tower and the construction of the current restaurant, this area has again become a popular tourist destination for hiking, cycling and climbing.

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